Division News

The Annual Board of Directors Meeting is complete. Please review the minutes and new calendar.

The NSP Board of Elections Vote is complete! Special thanks from our Division Director, Terry Petze for your participation! Results are as follows:

  • Keith Cassidy
  • Richard Knight
  • Ken Kramer
  • Chris Pringle
  • Bill Sinykin
  • More details can be found at the NSP

  • ASAP - Patrol Directors: As a check and balance for the Division database and your Patrol's organization web page information integrity, it is necessary to annually update/resubmit your Patrol Officer/Position Roster to the Division Registrar and the Division Webmaster. It's a protected Word .doc that is completed by merely tabbing through each field of information. Consider it a living document. Keep it current and resubmit it whenever changes to your position roster occur.

    ASAP - New Line Staff Officers: If you're newly elected into a Line Staff position (Patrol, Region or Division Director), make sure to process an Officer Change Form through the Division Registrar for forwarding to the National Office. Forms are available on the Forms link. You're also entitled to a Line Staff Officer indoctrination briefing from the Division Director or the Asst Division Director. Ask for it ASAP.

    Recruiting new members is an ongoing, year-round process, not just in the month of August as the Division Calendar indicates. Candidates can be brought into the "fold" and begin their training exposure "out of cycle". As long as they know that up front, there should not be an issue with keeping their expectations real. That interest and curiosity is what caused them to seek us out in the first place. Let's keep the enthusiasm alive!

  • Current Events!

    Nominations for Northern Region Director position are open 1 -30 June 2013.

    Line Staff: The Awards page has details and timelines for award submissions. Here's the opportunity to recognize the efforts of the people that have done great things.

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