
Credentials Program

Advisor:   Mr Mike Staszewski

This program encompasses administrative procedures for the membership to obtain European Division specific credentials.

Current credentials available (with the associated P&P paragraph) are:
  • Division Ausweis (Tri-fold Photo ID Card in 5 languages)

Where the European Division Ausweis may get you a good deal:

NOTE:  Compensations listed below are subject to change without notice by local Area Management.  Check each time before assuming and expecting that you'll get compensation.  It never hurts to ask!

If you do get a deal with your Ausweis, email the Credentials Administrator above with the info, so it can be shared with the Division membership.

 .CH = Switzerland

• Portes du Soleil - 50% reduction - lift pass

• Saas Fee - Free Lift Pass (4 Day)

.FR = France

• Le Tour (Chamonix) - possible 80% reduction up to a free lift pass (4 day)

.IT = Italy

• Sella-Ronda - 30% reduction - lift pass