Training   Outdoor Emergency Care Program

Supervisor:  Dr Frauke Haertel

The OEC program is the cornerstone of an NSPS member's knowledge base.  Patroller candidates are exposed to basic anatomy, physiology, patient and injury site management, transportation loading concepts in a structured classroom setting.  The knowledge is expanded in an On The Hill (OTH) outdoor environment.

Program Outline/Details

‐ Region‐sponsored On‐the‐Hill (OTH) OEC training ‐
Runs annually January‐March.
In most cases, all candidates should:
• Have completed the OEC classroom portion to include all written /practical
• Be OEC Technicians,
• Possess a CPR ‐ for the Professional Rescuer card and a candidate green card,
• Have a working knowledge of ski/snowboard removal and toboggan loading
• Have an OTH training 1st Aid Pack loaded with all mandatory/required OEC
supplies and equipment from the Division OEC 1st Aid Packing List
If any of the above requirements are not met, the weekend training coordinator must
be advised of this, so alternate arrangements with the Patrol Director can be made if
‐ Local Patrol Level OTH OEC Training –
• NOT a replacement/substitute for Region Sponsored On‐The‐Hill (OTH) training but
is viewed as supplemental.
1. The following are some instances where local patrol OEC training and/or
validations could be warranted:
• Training ‐ When Region sponsored OTH OEC training needs to be supplemented outside
of OTH. The OEC reports should indicate that the candidate would benefit from
supplemental training at the local patrol level. Any supplemental training is
coordinated by the local Patrol Director and the patrol's OEC staff. Realistic OEC
training is more beneficial outdoors and in the snow. Again, this scenario is dealt
with at the discretion of the local Patrol Director.
• Validations ‐ When circumstances do not allow the candidate to attend a sanctioned
OTH validation event. An example of this might be a member tasked with a short
notice deployment. Arrangements are made by the local Patrol Director, in
conjunction with the local Patrol OEC staff and coordination with applicable Region
OEC Administrators to schedule the appropriate OEC validation cadre.
2. To the greatest extent possible, OEC validation evaluators will come from
different patrols to preclude any perceptions of favoritism/impropriety. Without
exception, all Instructors/Evaluators must:
a. Have current OEC instructor appointments reflected in the National
b. Have no outstanding OEC refresher obligations,
c. Be members in good standing IAW the National P&P.
3. In all cases, close coordination with the Region OEC administrator is required
and if necessary the Division OEC Supervisor.

Items you need to bring to ANY OEC Refresher:

•  OEC Refresher Study Guide documents (current and past study guides) - Download and print the Cycle document(s) and bring them to the OEC refresher event you choose to attend.

• •  OEC technician card - for signature by the Instructor of Record,

• •  Fully stocked OEC pack/aid belt - for any hands-on modules and/or scenario work,

• •  Proof of CPR for the Professional Rescuer (CPRO) annual Refresher completion.  NSPS policy (National P&P, paragraph 7.5.4.A.2) mandates an annual CPRO refresher.  Based on instructor availability and if it is offered, bring your CPR shield/mask.  Otherwise, you must get your CPRO refresher locally.

• •  Division Ausweis (ID Credential Trifold) - (if you have one, to get the yearly update stamp) - You can get one at each Division sponsored refresher event and at any time thereafter.  See the Credentials Administrator's page for details on how to get a Division Ausweis.

NOTE:  When the Division-sponsored OEC Refresher events are finished, any members not currently refreshed MUST do so ASAP through their local Patrol Director.  The Division OEC Supervisor and/or the applicable Region OEC Administrator (above) must coordinate on all Local Patrol level OEC refreshers as the IT of Record for the Course Completion Record.

*** Registering an OEC course and processing the OEC Course Fees ***

OEC Instructor Of Record (IOR) ‐ The one‐time course enrollment fee ($60.00 for NSP members, $80.00 for Affiliates/Associates and $300.00 for non‐members) is charged for each OEC student enrolled (regardless of pass, fail or incomplete).  This fee is collected (mostly likely by the OEC course IOR) and is indicated on the appropriate
line item (#OECM, #OECAA or #OECNM) on the OEC Course Order Form.
The Process:
1. The Instructor of Record (IOR) goes to the National Website and signs on via the
Member Services page.
2. Down the left side navigation ladder, under the Education Tools header, click on
the Register a Course link.
3. Select Outdoor Emergency Care from the "Course Type" drop down list.
4. Fill out the rest of the Course Registration Form.
5. Select send Course Completion Records by "EMAIL".
NOTE: Extend the course End Date well beyond the anticipated course completion date.
This will give the IOR a processing cushion and allows for any potential delays that
may occur in closing out the course.  The National "Late Course" clock will not start
until the extended end date has passed.
6. When National sends the IOR a course confirmation email, the IOR completes the
OEC Course Order Form. It is used by the IOR to order OEC course materials. The IOR
sends either a personal check or a Patrol Treasury check along with this form to the
National Office (MIST).
• Example: 5 students register as candidates in your patrol. $300.00 is collected
(5 X $60.00) for OEC course fees. $300.00 by check along with the OEC Course Order
Form is sent to the National Office (MIST).
7. Course Completion Roster (CCR) ‐ The IOR must list ALL students enrolled. The
IOR indicates, for each student, their pass, fail, or incomplete course status.
CCR Submission NOTE: The National CCR form requires a discipline Instructor/Trainer
(IT) of Record (ITOR) signature as well as the Instructor of Record (IOR). Download
the European Division CCR version of this form. It's a protected Word .doc file.
Just TAB through the fields of information and type in what is needed. Save it,
print it, get the appropriate signatures, then scan it into a .PDF format and email
the CCR through the Division Registrar (Mike Pangman) and cc the Asst Division
Director (Mike Ski Dog). The Registrar will forward everything to the National
office for you.
NOTE: The number of students on the CCR must match the total dollar amount of the
OEC course fees collected from each student indicated on the original OEC Course
Order Form.
• The National Office will not process any OEC CCR without first processing the OEC
course fee payment.