Senior Program

Senior Patroller Program

Supervisor:   Mr Mike Staszewski

The Senior program offers members, that have achieved a "Patroller" classification, the opportunity to advance their OEC and OET skills.  Successful completion of all Senior modules and upgrade to the Senior classification means the patroller is expected to take on greater leadership responsibilities with the potential to perform Region or Division level duties.

There are specific core and elective Senior requirements to be fulfilled.  Check out paragraphs 6.41-6.42 and Appendix E of the Division Policy & Procedures Manual for prerequisites, equipment requirements, etc...

•  The first step into the Division Senior program is filling out the Senior Application.

• •  Fill out as much of the educational information as possible that meets the core and elective requirements.

• •  Have your Patrol Director sign it and send it to the Senior Program Supervisor above ASAP.

•  The second step is to complete Division Form 10, Release of Liability.  Send this completed form to the Senior Program Supervisor listed above ASAP.

•  There is no timeline for completing the Senior Program.  It takes as long as needed, based on the availability of the candidate to commit the time and financial resources.

•  Senior candidates, whether new to the program or returning, must notify the Senior Program Supervisor listed above, to announce their intent to participate in the Senior Program.   Senior candidates need to look at the Division Calendar, and email the Senior Program Supervisor listed above with their potential dates of participation/interest NLT 15 December of each year until all Senior modules are complete.

•  Senior candidates must also inform their Patrol OTH coordinator of their attendance intent so lodging and lift passes is coordinated with the appropriate Region Directors.