Alpine Ski / Snowboard
Alpine Ski Advisor: Mr Mike Staszewski
Alpine Snowboard Advisor: Mr George Roos
* Pertinent / "REQUIRED READING" files for current and potential new S&T instructors to download for the annual Division OET clinic every October * All members, especially candidates involved with OTH training, are encouraged to download and read these documents to have a working knowledge of the content.
• Division Alpine Ski Instructor's Handbook .pdf
• Division Alpine Snowboard Instructor's Handbook .pdf
CANDIDATES: So you have no surprises, it's best to read up on the skills you're expected to perform so you at least have a working knowledge of the material/terms BEFORE you get to OTH training. Download the applicable Ski and Snowboard Instructor's Handbooks from above in your chosen discipline.
January - March OTH Training
Check the Northern and/ or Southern Region OTH Training Section for details on all OTH training venues. There are timelines to observe, so get the info you need and make the appropriate notifications to your patrol OTH Coordinator. Get the latest Division Calendar for details on all OTH training dates and locations from the Division Home Page.